For County Officials

Joining CEBCO is easy!  It starts with a phone call – or an email, if you prefer.  Let us know you are interested in learning more, perhaps obtaining a CEBCO quote.  By asking some simple questions, we can begin to understand your needs and aspirations for your employee benefits.  From there, we can begin to develop a benefits package that works for you.

Like any insurance provider or plan administrator/TPA, we will need some basic information, which is listed for you under our “Items Needed to Quote”.  Remember, CEBCO is more than just health insurance.  We can also provide competitive quotes on your life, dental and vision plans, and we offer an Employee Assistance Plan too.

CEBCO can provide a quote directly to the county.  There is no requirement for a third party to represent you in order to join CEBCO.  Likewise, if you currently work with a broker or consultant in an advisory capacity, we are happy to work with the person of your choosing.  All CEBCO quotes are available net of fees or any sort of commission, leaving you to compensate your advisor in the manner you choose, whether commission or fee basis.